Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Changes - They Are A Comin'

It's been a month since I lost my job and inevitably our family - our lives - have gone through some major changes. In able to focus on these changes, starting next week there will be some new features on the blog.

I can hear the collective sigh of relief right now - "The blog used to be so good before she lost her job..."

Here is a taste of some of the things that I will be introducing:

Momma Monday - Mondays will be the day that I will talk about issues with my child, conversations that we have had - really anything from our day-to-day that I choose to share.
To-Do Tuesday - I will let you in on some of the crafts that have happening around the ol' homestead along with tutorials and pictures. As soon as I figure out how to also make them into printable PDFs I will add the link so that you can download to do at home as well.
Wondering Wednesday - My musings about the world, my window onto the adult things that leave me wondering - these will most likely feature a question of the day.
Thursday - Will most likely just have randomness at this point - unless someone has a suggestion for a great alliteration for Thursday - :) Or I could just borrow in on my friend Lindsay's Thursday posts.
Facebook Friday - On Thursday, I am going to throw out a question to my Facebook followers and post the responses as well as give my own response - these can be questions ranging from "How do you feel about the family bed?" to "How long did you nurse?" - Make sure that you "Like" me on Facebook so that your voice can be heard.
Crafturday Saturday - I have talked in the past about how I love to do projects with the kids on Saturday nights, and, yet have failed to share what it is that we do. Finally, you will get to see the awesome things we create and do!
Spiritual Sunday - My relationship with God is the most awesome relationship that I have, but in an effort to not come off as too "preachy" I have stayed away from talking about that - no longer friends! I am constantly learning and adjusting my relationship to God's will and I am eager to share that with my readers and receive your feedback.

All of this will begin on Sunday, July 10 so stay tuned and as our lives continue to change, stick with me while other tweeks and style changes happen to the blog.

Thank you for reading, for your comments and your votes. I have the best readers and followers on the planet and am looking forward to continue to grow and learn in the coming months.

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