Friday, June 17, 2011

Half Birthdays

Today is Z's half birthday.

To my possible detriment, I kinda make a big deal out of it.

Z's birthday is 8 days before Christmas and with the hustle and bustle of the holidays her birthday tends to blend into the merriment of the season. In her 3 year old memory, Santa arrives immediately following the cake and ice cream (and, honestly, as fast as time is moving maybe he really does).

So to let her know how very special she is, she gets two birthdays a year. And all of the people that love her know that they should wish her a happy half birthday when they see her. They know that it is important to me and, especially, important for my girl.

Last night we had a slumber party with Blade and A. We watched movies, played outside past dark, drank slushies and sodas, ran around nearly naked (well, some of us). As bedtime closed in, they all changed into footy sleepers and found spaces on the couches - what is cuter than 3 sleepy children walking around in footy pajamas?

They talked and giggled until the wee hours of the morning.

And when Z awoke this morning to the choruses of "Happy Half Birthday!" - she felt special in our busy lives.

That's what matters.

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1 comment:

  1. That is really special that you do that for her. I know that it's hard when Birthdays fall close to a holiday.
    Happy Half B-day to Z.


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